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Hospice care as we know it today in Chicago, Illinois, came about more recently than many people think.

The concept dates back to the 11th century, when monastic orders in Europe established places of charitable refuge for ill, injured and weary travelers. However, the modern philosophy of care – with the focus on the patient rather than treatment for their disease – only just took root in the 1960’s. At that time, the pioneering work of a British nurse, Dame Cicely Saunders, provoked a shift toward holistic, person-centered care, and today’s hospice care providers continue to embrace this approach.

So, what does this mean in terms of patient care? How does adopting a holistic approach improve the end-of-life experience? Here, the professional team at Suncrest Hospice of Chicago explains the holistic hospice care philosophy.

hospice care in ChicagoWhat is Holistic Care?

Holistic care is based on holism, a philosophical theory that emphasizes the importance of looking at things as a whole rather than focusing on the separate parts. In hospice, the holistic approach to care centers around the whole person, with the goal of providing a peaceful, dignified and comfortable end-of-life experience.

Hospice care agencies that respect the holistic philosophy of care are receptive to the individual and their needs, wishes and dreams for the time that remains.

At Suncrest Hospice of Chicago, we show that we value our patients by providing personalized, compassionate support. We take stock of how a person is dealing with the final chapter of life and the issues they’re experiencing, and we develop their plan of care accordingly. What matters to the patient matters to us, and when anything changes, we’re ready to respond in the preferred manner. In our view, taking a holistic approach to hospice care means addressing problems, meeting needs and doing all we can to improve the quality of life as the end draws near.

Providing Holistic Care at the End of Life

The holistic hospice care philosophy embraces the whole person and supporting their needs, wishes and overall well-being. With Suncrest Hospice of Chicago, this translates to addressing all of the following:

Physical Needs

As hospice patients are terminally ill and in decline, physical needs are crucial to the plan of care. By managing pain and distressing symptoms, hospice care providers help ensure that patients are comfortable – and addressing physical issues leads to improved mental and emotional well-being. At Suncrest Hospice of Chicago, we take an interdisciplinary approach to meeting physical needs, incorporating medication and complementary therapies like massage, music and art to allow our patients to live every day to the fullest.

Emotional Needs

Issues like anxiety, depression, loneliness and despair can worsen physical symptoms, and when emotional needs aren’t met, the motivation to live on can begin to disappear. Dealing with daily tasks becomes more difficult, and emotional issues can affect appetite, sleep and mood. With that in mind, hospice care agencies like Suncrest aim to ensure emotional comfort. By providing counseling, spiritual support and bereavement services, our team strives to relieve worries, instill a sense of security and help patients fully enjoy their remaining time.

Social Needs

People need companionship, and when a terminal illness prevents someone from getting out and about or from spending much time with family and friends, it can take a serious toll on their well-being. Plus, dealing with grief and end-of-life decisions can lead to even more social stress. Sometimes, hospice patients feel alone despite having a network of loved ones in the nearby Chicago area. As such, a holistic approach to hospice care may involve compassionate communication along with group therapy, support groups and other social activities.

Spiritual Needs

Spiritualism can touch on religion, but in hospice care, addressing spiritual needs doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with faith or religious beliefs. As death approaches, it’s common to face ethical concerns, and patients often look to find meaning in life. Some seek closure or forgiveness, and others want to connect with the inner soul. Spiritual needs are unique to each individual, and hospice chaplains help patients by regularly visiting, listening, having meaningful conversations and joining in any requested spiritual practices

Holistic End-of-Life Care at Suncrest Hospice of Chicago

Everyone who is terminally ill deserves to have the best possible quality of life as they near the end. That’s why holistic hospice care is ideal – meeting a patient’s physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs makes the final weeks and months more enjoyable.

 At Suncrest Hospice of Chicago, we stand behind the holistic approach to end-of-life care. Our mission is to help people with terminal illnesses live well and make the most of every day, while also supporting family members who are grieving the loss of a loved one. When a disease has no cure and a patient is in decline, our hospice professionals make every effort to make the experience easier on everyone involved.

 For more information on our compassionate and supportive services, or to learn more about holistic end-of-life care, contact Suncrest Hospice of Chicago today.