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Research has shown that given the choice, most people – about 70 percent – would prefer to pass away peacefully in the comfort of their home. Hospice care at home allows for that type of end-of-life experience, and for eligible individuals in Cleveland, Ohio, the cost is typically covered by Medicare, Medicaid, or private insurance.

But what is hospice care at home? Who qualifies? What services are included? Keep on reading to learn the basics of how hospice works in Cleveland.

hospice care at home Cleveland, OhioWhat is Hospice Care?

Hospice is a specialized approach to care focused on providing support to incurably ill individuals and their loved ones. The goal isn’t to treat or cure the underlying illness – it’s to ensure patient comfort and improve the quality of life by easing pain, managing symptoms, and helping families cope with emotional challenges.

People often speak of going to hospice, but care isn’t limited to a certain place. In most cases, patients receive services in their own home or that of a family member. However, hospice is also an option for individuals who live at home-like institutions, like skilled nursing facilities or nursing homes, and for those currently staying at Cleveland hospitals. At any rate, since services are provided wherever a patient resides, the term “hospice care at home” is commonly used.

Who Qualifies for Hospice Care at Home?

Hospice care at home is designed for incurably ill individuals who are nearing the end of life. Being a few hours or days from death isn’t required – if a physician determines that a patient has six months or less left to live, they’re eligible for hospice services.

The majority of Cleveland residents who take advantage of hospice are 85 or older. However, services aren’t restricted to patients of advanced years. Nor are they earmarked for individuals with particular diseases or conditions. Anyone with a terminal diagnosis and a limited lifespan can request in-home care.

That being said, for coverage through Medicare, Medicaid, or a private insurance plan, there’s one requirement – the patient must agree to forgo any attempts to find a cure for their illness. No treatments intended to prolong life are to be pursued. Instead, comfort and quality of life become the priorities as the condition runs its natural course.

What Services are Provided at Home?

Everyone has a unique end-of-life journey, and the provision of hospice services is decided on a case-by-case basis. Depending on the needs of the patient, their plan of care may include some or all of the following:

  • Medication to relieve pain and minimize troubling symptoms
  • Durable medical equipment, such as a hospital bed or wheelchair
  • Bandages, incontinence products, and other medical supplies
  • Specialized therapies, like massage or art therapy, to ease suffering
  • Intermittent assistance with household and personal care needs
  • Emotional support, spiritual care, and bereavement counseling

Whatever the plan of care for a Cleveland patient, a team of skilled professionals is tasked with providing the necessary services. Hospice care at home may involve regular visits from:

  • Physicians
  • Registered nurses
  • Social workers
  • Physical therapists
  • Occupational therapists
  • Speech-language pathologists
  • Home health aides
  • Chaplains or spiritual advisors
  • Well-trained volunteers

Family caregivers assist with the individual’s day-to-day needs, but support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Cleveland hospice agencies have dedicated hotlines for information, advice, and assistance with care issues.

What if Hospice Care at Home Isn’t an Option?

Even with regularly scheduled visits from members of the hospice team, caring for a loved one nearing the end of life can be difficult. Sometimes, a different level of support is necessary – and fortunately, other options are available. Medicare, Medicaid, and most private insurers cover:

Continuous Home Care

In the event of a medical crisis – such as difficulty breathing, uncontrollable pain, persistent vomiting or new-onset seizures – a patient can receive temporary around-the-clock support from a registered nurse. Once the situation is under control, the individual goes back to hospice care at home.

In-Patient Hospice Care

When managing a patient’s symptoms and keeping them comfortable is impossible in the home setting, services can be provided at a Cleveland hospital or local hospice facility. When the individual is stable enough to be discharged, services are once again provided wherever the patient resides.

Short-Term Respite Care

This level of care differs in that it’s focused on family caregivers rather than the terminally ill individual. With respite care, the individual is temporarily transferred to a Cleveland hospital or hospice facility for the purpose of giving their caregivers a break from their regular duties.

Contact Suncrest Hospice Today

Choosing hospice isn’t about giving up on life – it’s about making the most of whatever time remains. If you have a loved one who might be ready for hospice, the Suncrest team would be happy to help. For answers to your questions about hospice care at home, or to schedule a consultation with a friendly and knowledgeable hospice professional, contact our office in Cleveland, Ohio, today.