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Deciding between hospice care at home and in a facility in the Chicago area can be a harrowing decision. At Suncrest Home Health and Hospice, we understand, because we see it every day. We’re here to listen, and to help you make the best choice for you and your family member.

When anyone is diagnosed with a terminal illness, it is natural for them and their family members to expect a miracle, to hope the inevitable will never come to pass. This hope, so profound, innate and all-consuming, often prevents those with serious illnesses and their family members from planning next steps. It’s the kind of planning everyone hopes to avoid.

Since few people look ahead to hospice care, they might not know what is important to consider when you’re deciding between hospice care at home versus in a facility. Look through the questions below to help you get a better idea of what the best choice for your family might be.

hospice care at home1. Is your loved one cognizant of their condition?

Some hospice patients are unaware of their condition and surroundings while others retain at least some awareness. For instance, they may not speak, but still can recognize friends and family members.

Being in familiar surroundings can be soothing for patients in the final stages of life. The smell of honeysuckle coming through the window or the sound of grandchildren playing can bring them comfort.

Other times, getting your loved one hospice care in a facility might be a preferable choice. If, for instance, your loved one needs supervision and care 24/7 and you have young children at home and other responsibilities such as work, it may not be possible for you to provide hospice care at home for them. In these cases, hospice care in a facility can be a better choice.

2. Are family members coping sufficiently?

There is no doubt that caring for a loved one during an illness can be exhausting. At the same time, family members often want to keep their loved one at home with them for as long as possible. That’s when hospice care at home can be a godsend. Trained professionals are present in your home every day to take care of your loved one’s needs.

That being said, if the bulk of your family member’s care falls to an elderly partner who may be struggling with their own health issues, arranging for hospice care in a facility may be preferable. The partner can visit frequently, but also get breaks during which time they know their loved one is safe and being well-cared for.

3. Are there adequate facilities nearby?

If you determine a facility in the Chicago area would be a better option for your loved one, try to find a suitable one close enough so that it makes it easy for family members to visit often. One of the benefits of hospice is that it can relieve some of the stresses and strains put on family members, and you want to be sure to avoid creating new difficulties for yourself and others.

The caring, professional team at Suncrest Home Health and Hospice can help you weigh the pros and cons of hospice care at home and hospice in a facility. Call us today and make an appointment to talk to one of our hospice nurses or our social worker. We’re here for you every step of the way.