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Those who have not been exposed to hospice care may not understand exactly what the philosophy behind hospice is. We here at Suncrest Home Health and Hospice provide hospice care to patients throughout Chicago and the surrounding area, and we would like to let you know what to expect from hospice.

Most people think of hospice as end-of-life care, and this is indeed what it is, for the most part. But that’s a simplified view.

Suncrest Home Health and HospiceThe Road to Hospice Care

Most patients considering hospice care have been battling illnesses for months, or even years. They are oftentimes exhausted. A terminal illness is difficult in so many ways. It can be physically debilitating and painful, but it is mentally tiring as well. The original diagnosis may have come as a shock. It takes time and effort to come to terms with it, and what life will mean going forward.

Depending on the severity of the patient’s condition, doctors usually prescribe some type of treatment. Whether this is surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, dialysis or pharmaceuticals, all are meant to stop the progress of the disease, and reverse it, if possible.

Patients often enter treatment with a sense of determination to beat their illness. And they may get more time, but when the negatives begin to outweigh the positives of treatment, patients may choose to discontinue it.

Improving Quality of Life

When a patient decides to stop treatment, they are not “giving up,” they are choosing to live out the rest of their life in comfort. They are tired of feeling sleepy and nauseous. They are tired of nights away from home at the hospital, hooked up to medical equipment. They are tired of the ups and downs that come with treatment failure.

When patients enter hospice, we focus on quality of life. That may include continuing to take some medications, or it may not. It’s up to the patient. Hospice care usually involves pain management medications, because comfort is prioritized in hospice care.

But there’s so much more to it than just being comfortable. For instance, our hospice nurses encourage patients to eat whatever they want. This can be a relief for patients after having had to stick to a particular diet due to their condition. Patients who may have had no appetite due to the medications they had been taking may enjoy eating again. If it’s feasible, you can even take them to a restaurant!

By the same token, we don’t push patients to eat if they are not feeling hungry. We want them to make whatever choices make them feel better.

We encourage family members to do things with the patient that they have always loved, whenever possible. During times when they are feeling alert, they might enjoy getting their hair done, playing a game or watching a movie with you.

Hospice Care in Chicago

Whether you want your loved one to receive hospice care at home or in a facility, the team at Suncrest Home Health and Hospice of Chicago puts every effort into ensuring their best quality of life. Call us today to learn more about hospice care.