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Hospice care offers a better quality of life for Chicago patients, as the focus is on maximizing comfort by addressing physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs. Services are provided by an interdisciplinary team of skilled professionals, and most people receive hospice care at home, where they have the added comfort of familiar surroundings.

Still, there’s no escaping the fact that hospice is for the terminally ill, and seeing someone you love enter hospice care can be emotionally draining. If you’re in this position, you may feel helpless and unsure how to show your support. Below, the Suncrest team offers a few ideas for bringing comfort to a loved one in hospice care.

hospice care ChicagoSpend Time Together

Hospice patients want and need to feel connected to those they hold dear. As such, any time you spend with your loved one is sure to be appreciated.

Visiting someone who is nearing the end of life can be difficult, given that you can’t change the situation – but you can change how a hospice patient is feeling simply by stopping by their Chicago home. If in-person visits aren’t possible, consider virtual visits through Zoom or regular phone calls.

Be a Good Listener

When a loved one in hospice care is in the mood to talk, be ready to listen – even if their topic of choice is one you would rather avoid.

Sometimes, you don’t need to say anything to show your support. Just being there and listening can be enough, as individuals who are approaching the end of life may not need advice. Instead, they might want to vent or have a chat as if nothing has changed. Given the opportunity to be heard, hospice patients don’t feel as alone.

Stay in Touch — Literally

The power of touch has been proven to have positive effects, and for hospice patients, simple physical acts can be quite soothing.

If you’re able to visit your loved one at their Chicago home, giving them a hug or holding their hand can help them feel connected. Combing or styling their hair can be comforting, too, and depending on your relationship and their condition, you might also offer a gentle hand, shoulder or back massage.

Bring Joy to Your Loved One

Come with a positive attitude, ready to enjoy your time together, and the sense of spirit will be contagious. So, do what you can to make each visit a joyous experience.

Sharing memories and stories about the past can be fun, and some hospice patients want to create a legacy video to preserve their tales for future generations. Your loved one might also enjoy going through old photo albums, playing card games or munching on a much-loved snack.

Go for a Pleasure Trip

Is your loved one physically able to leave their Chicago home for a brief period? If so, planning an outing could be a good way to show your support.

A drive through town to check out the sights might be enjoyable, or perhaps you could stop by a coffee shop, grab some ice cream or visit a local park. A short trip can be like a breath of fresh air for anyone in hospice care, but to play it safe, talk to the hospice team to make sure the outing you’re planning is manageable.

Keep Celebrating the Good Things

Hospice care patients want to feel included, and by keeping the celebrations going, you can let your loved one know they’re still an important part of the family.

Holidays, birthdays, good grades in school, athletic accomplishments — anything to be celebrated can be a reason to arrange for a family gathering. Bringing decorations and party-worthy food helps create meaningful memories, and while you may have to modify certain traditions for a hospice patient, they can still enjoy the good times.

Take a Pet Along for a Visit

If you have a pet, you know how much comfort and happiness an animal can bring – and if your pet is well-behaved, why not share that with your loved one?

Pet therapy is scientifically supported, and interacting with a friendly pet can be of significant benefit to patients in hospice care. Therapy pets have been known to help initiate relaxation, decrease pain and increase happiness — make sure, though, that your loved one isn’t allergic and that animals are allowed where they are living.

Reach Out Whenever You Can

Juggling the responsibilities of your own busy life can make it more challenging to support a loved one in hospice care, but try to remain in frequent contact.

While hospice care at home is advantageous in terms of offering comfort to a terminally ill individual, hospice patients often feel isolated and alone. A quick phone call, text or email now and then can go a long way. By getting in touch as often as you can, you’ll be letting your loved one know that they’re always in your thoughts.

Suncrest is an approved Medicare home health agency, and we strive to provide the highest quality of hospice care services to patients in the Westmont and Northbrook areas of Chicago, Illinois. For details on our professional team and the services we offer, or to discuss hospice care at home for a loved one in Chicago, contact us today.