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Hospice care is incredibly beneficial for individuals with life-limiting illnesses – and for their families, too – but this isn’t widely known in Chicago, Illinois. Misinformation is everywhere, and quite a few people have the wrong impression.

This is a concern, as myths and misunderstandings are keeping eligible patients from accessing hospice in a timely manner. Some don’t start soon enough to take full advantage of the many services available, and others are missing out entirely. That being the case, we’d like to set the record straight. Here, the professional team at Suncrest examines ten of the most commonly believed misconceptions about hospice care.

hospice care Chicago, IllinoisMyth # 1: Hospice Is About Giving Up on Life

So many people think that hospice means losing hope or giving up on life, but it’s actually about living in comfort and enjoying the final chapter of life to the fullest. With hospice care, patients who are seriously ill get the support they need to make the most of the time they have left.         

Myth # 2: Hospice Is a Place for People to Die

Hospice isn’t a place — it’s an approach to care. The ultimate goal is to help people live out the rest of their days as comfortably as possible, and to that end, services are provided wherever patients feel most at ease. The majority choose to remain where they are and receive hospice care at home.

Myth # 3: Hospice Care Is Really Expensive

Hospice is a benefit that is fully funded by Medicare, the Illinois Medicaid program and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Most private insurance plans offer coverage as well. For those who qualify, care isn’t expensive at all – in fact, Chicago patients typically have little to no out-of-pocket costs.

Myth # 4: Hospice Means Surrendering Control

Nothing about hospice care is forced on anyone. Patients who are of sound mind have the right to make their own decisions, and they’re encouraged to make their needs and wishes known. Loved ones have influence over the end-of-life journey, too, as family members become part of the care team.

Myth # 5: Hospice Is Only for Cancer Patients

While a significant number of people in hospice have a primary diagnosis of cancer, most have other life-limiting illnesses. Anyone who has a terminal diagnosis – whether it’s COPD, kidney failure, heart disease, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, emphysema or any other condition – can enjoy the benefits of hospice care.

Myth # 6: Hospice Is for the Last Days of Life

The idea that hospice care is only for people who have just a few days left to live is prevalent, and it’s completely wrong. A patient becomes eligible when they have an expected prognosis of six months or less — and if they happen to live longer, services can continue as long as their condition remains terminal.

Myth # 7: Hospice Makes Death Happen Sooner

Accepting hospice does mean forgoing any further life-prolonging treatments, but services don’t hasten death. Medication is used to control distressing symptoms and help patients feel more comfortable, not in an effort to end life early. And, studies have shown that this type of care sometimes helps people live longer.

Myth # 8: Hospice Care Is a Permanent Choice

Many people in Chicago believe that there’s no going back after going to hospice, but the decision isn’t irreversible. Anyone can change their mind and once again pursue curative treatments at any time – and if they want to come back at some point down the road, the option to access hospice care remains open.

Myth # 9: Hospice Care Requires a DNR Order

Although many Chicago hospice patients have a do not resuscitate (DNR) order in place, the legal document isn’t required to receive services. The plan of care is designed to reflect the wishes of the patient, and if someone would prefer to be resuscitated should the need arise, that’s what will happen.

Myth # 10: Hospice Agencies Are All the Same

All hospice agencies in the state of Illinois follow the same set of rules and regulations, as mandated by Medicare, but the services offered – and the level of support the staff provides – can vary widely. Looking for a provider dedicated to patient- and family-centered care, where everyone’s values and preferences are honored, is essential.

Learn the Facts About Hospice Care in Chicago

Whether someone you hold dear has a life-limiting illness or you’re the one with a terminal diagnosis, learning the facts about hospice care is the only way to know if it may be the right choice. Speaking with someone who is in-the-know is the easiest way to get the information you need – and the Suncrest team is happy to help.

At Suncrest, we’re committed to providing compassionate, comprehensive care to people in need. Our friendly staff is on hand to answer your questions over the phone, or if you’d like, we can come out for an in-person assessment and discussion about hospice care. For more information on the services we offer, or to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation, contact our office in Chicago, Illinois, today.