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Learning that someone you love has received a terminal diagnosis can be a big shock. But while you may be quite distressed, this is the time to think about hospice care.

At Suncrest Hospice of Cleveland, we understand how difficult this situation can be for everyone involved. Speaking with your loved one and their doctor can give you an idea of their treatment and care options. However, with a diagnosis of a terminal condition, they will qualify for hospice care at some point – and timely enrollment allows for a more peaceful and comfortable end-of-life experience.

With that in mind, planning for hospice care in advance is recommended. Here are some helpful steps to take when a loved one receives a terminal diagnosis.

hospice care Cleveland, OhioEducate Yourself

The more you know, the more you’ll be able to support your loved one throughout their hospice journey.

Having a good understanding of their terminal condition and the symptoms that go along with it is essential, as that will allow you to act as their advocate. Accompanying them to medical appointments may be the best approach, but you can always do some research on your own.

In addition, you’ll want to learn about hospice care. To qualify for services – and to have the costs covered by Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance or military benefits – patients must meet certain requirements. A terminal diagnosis and a prognosis of six months or less are the two main stipulations, but the individual also needs to discontinue any further curative treatment to have coverage for hospice care.

Keep in mind, too, that many people in Cleveland have the wrong idea about hospice.Your loved one could be in that group, so learning about the various services available and the benefits of hospice care would be wise. With the right information, the choice to enter hospice when the time comes is easier to make. Here are a few key facts to share:

  • Hospice can take place anywhere, including the patient’s own home.
  • Expert medical care, emotional support and spiritual guidance are included.
  • The hospice team provides all necessary medical equipment and supplies.
  • Most patients in Cleveland, Ohio, pay little to nothing for hospice care.
  • Hospice doesn’t hasten death – patients often live longer when in hospice.

Talk to Your Loved One

Hospice patients are initially granted six months of services, but anyone who is still eligible after that can continue to receive the care they need – there’s no absolute time limit. However, research shows that the average length of stay is only 97 days.

You’re not going to want your loved one to miss the opportunity to benefit from months of support, so having a discussion about hospice care not long after learning about their terminal diagnosis is a good idea. After all, they need to understand what hospice is and why it may be the best option at some point. To have a productive conversation, follow these tips:

  • Choose a quiet, comfortable place that’s free of distractions for the discussion.
  • Be open-minded, listening calmly and considering your loved one’s perspective.
  • Ask about their concerns, then share reassuring facts, like those listed above.
  • Convey your worries about their declining health and what the future holds.
  • Recognize if the conversation isn’t going well and reschedule for another time.

Create a Plan Together

Making the decision to enter hospice care can be quite difficult, and no one should be rushed into accepting services before they’re ready. Hospice is all about helping people feel comfortable at the end of life, in accordance with their needs and wishes. But while your loved one’s preferences matter the most, working together on a hospice plan can benefit you both.

How so? For your loved one, there’s the advantage of having the sort of end-of-life experience they want. They get to decide when to enter hospice, and they’ll have a say in what services are provided. Plus, they can choose the Cleveland hospice care provider they prefer – and if they like, they can leave the task of researching local agencies to you.

As for you, creating a plan together is beneficial because you can help ensure your loved one makes the most of their remaining time by exploring the hospice services they may need. And, you’ll be at peace, knowing that their end-of-life wishes will be met.

Turn to Suncrest Hospice

If a loved one has a terminal diagnosis, they’ll need your support – and you might need the support of a local hospice care provider. The professional team at Suncrest Hospice of Cleveland is here to help, and we’d be happy to support your family in any way we can.

Whether you have questions about hospice care or want more tips on how to have a productive conversation, you can count on us to provide the information you need. And if your loved one would like expert guidance, one of our friendly and knowledgeable hospice professionals can come out to their home for a free, no-obligation consultation. Contact Suncrest in Cleveland, Ohio, today!